



講演者:Sy-Han Chiou/Department of Statistics and Data Science, Southern
Methodist University, USA

討論者:坂巻 顕太郎/順天堂大学 健康データサイエンス学部 准教授

主催: 統計数理研究所 医療健康データ科学研究センター(ISM) ファシリテー


日  時 :2024年7月16日(火)15:30~16:50(15:00受付開始)

会  場 :統計数理研究所 (現地開催、オンライン配信なし)

募集人数:先着順50名 参加には事前登録が必要です。参加費無料


15:00-15:30  受付

15:30-16:20  Sy-Han Chiou講演(司会:江村剛志)

16:20-16:30  質問・コメント

16:30-16:50  指定討論(坂巻顕太郎)


With the availability of extensive data from electronic health records and
registry databases, incorporating time-varying patient information to
improve risk prediction has gained significant attention. We develop a
unified, nonparametric framework using survival tree ensembles for landmark
prediction to allow for updated predictions as new information becomes
available. Our landmark prediction approach accommodates subject-specific
landmark times triggered by clinical events, avoiding model incompatibility
at different times. We propose a risk-set-based ensemble procedure to handle
right censoring. The method is extended to recurrent event prediction, where
we use gap time scales with episode-specific and global models, avoiding
strong assumptions about future event risk dependencies. We address
complexities like informative censoring and inter-event correlations through
specialized algorithms. Extensive simulations show our methods' efficacy,
with applications to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry and
SEER-Medicare data demonstrating improved dynamic predictions and accuracy
in lung disease progression and breast cancer hospitalization, respectively.




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